How to control Gastric problems? | How to cure Gastric problem permanently?

How to control Gastric problems?

    In today’s fast-paced world, everyone is having a busy schedule and their working hours are also very long as people want to work more and earn more but they forget about their health. Most works in offices happen on computers and people are spending long sitting hours in front of computers. Due to their busy schedule, people are ordering ready-to-eat meals and they are not bothering about the quality of food. The food that people usually order online and consume regularly is loaded with trans fats, sugars, and oil, which always result in a stomach upset. Digestive problems or disorders and other illnesses affect the gastrointestinal tract in all age groups including children and the elderly.

    The gastrointestinal tract, in the human digestive system, comprises the food pipe or the oesophagus, stomach, and intestines (both large and small). The oesophagus transports the food particles from the buccal cavity to the stomach and to the intestines, where the food is broken down into simpler substances to enable other organs and tissues to absorb nutrients from food, for carrying out routine biological functions and ensuring optimal overall health.

    One such common concern is the gastric problem, which can be quite embarrassing, especially when a bad odour is emanated from a person. This instance occurs when surplus gas accumulates in the organs of the digestive system (i.e. the stomach and intestines).

    But what is the main cause of the gastric problem? Well, the major causative factors of gastric problem are gulping down meals with improper chewing at a fast speed, intake of high amounts of soft drinks and greasy junk foods, consuming dishes that contain high levels of starch and insoluble fibers as well as imbalance in the healthy gut microbiome i.e. beneficial bacteria present in the stomach, which aid in digestion.

Factors that increase your risk of getting gastritis:
    Certain aspects make an individual highly prone to developing gastric complaints, bloating, and its associated digestive complications like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diarrhoea, heartburn, constipation, and stomach cramps.

    It is important to restrict daily calorie and carbohydrate intake to maintain a healthy body, the latter only applies to the digestible carbohydrate – sugars and starches, while fibers - the indigestible carbohydrate, must be eaten in considerable amounts. When soluble and insoluble dietary fibers are scarce in regular meals, flushing out solid, liquid wastes via the bowel and bladder becomes difficult and gastric trouble is an invariable consequence.

    Roughage in green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale (leaf cabbage), and whole-grain cereals of oats & barley is key in easing bladder and bowel movement, thus ensuring the elimination of food wastes, injurious toxins, urine, and stool, without any obstructions.

    A lack of physical activity due to busy schedule results in a gradual increase in the body mass index (BMI), which triggers chronic illnesses of obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and other health issues. Moreover, since the predominant part of the day goes by in remaining seated, the abdominal muscles, oesophageal tissues, and diaphragm transport food particles at a slower speed than normal retarding metabolism and slowing down digestion too.

    For centuries, our country follows yoga and exercise. But due to fast-paced lifestyle peoples are not having sufficient time to follow the same. Now again doctors, nutritionists, and fitness trainers recommend adhering to a daily exercise routine for at least 30 minutes which should incorporate some high-intensity workouts. This exercise not only uplifts heart functions and accelerates weight loss, but also prevents instances of gastric problems.

    Daily busy schedules often evoke high levels of stress, nervousness and even trigger mental illnesses of depression and anxiety. Due to all of this, not only this decline brain activity, memory, concentration, and productivity, but even gastrointestinal functions are encumbered. The quantity of nutrients absorbed by the stomach tissues from ingested meals reduces, internal gas production in the stomach increases, and the intestinal walls get damaged, breaking the protective barrier and allowing detrimental bacteria in the ingested food to attack other bodily organs.
A wholesome balanced diet, routine physical activity, optimal deep sleep, engaging in yoga and meditation work helps in lowering stress levels and thereby enhancing digestion.

Symptoms of gastric problem
    The gastric problem can be present with serious symptoms including unbearable stomach pain, incessant nausea & vomiting, sudden loss of weight, discharge of blood along with stool, and pain in the anal area. If a person shows chronic or acute gastric symptoms, then that person should have a consultation with an expert doctor.

    If the symptoms of the gastric problem in a person are lower in intensity, such as constipation, flatulence or gas, diarrhoea, bloating, and indigestion, but tend to cause discomfort as it repeatedly develops. In such cases, home remedies and exercises can help to keep their issue under control.

    Nevertheless, even in such instances, it is still strongly suggested to have a proper consultation by a doctor and take the supplements recommended by the doctor, in addition to adhering to a nourishing diet and active lifestyle.

Foods and home remedies that help in reducing/controlling gastric problem:
    A nutritious diet is most important in maintaining enhanced gut health and preventing complications in the gastrointestinal tract. If an individual feels bloated or uncomfortable often, following a meal, certain spices and gut-friendly foods help in easing the digestion process and relieving pain in the stomach.

    Fennel seeds are a time-tested Ayurvedic remedy for bloating and internal gas in the stomach. In India, fennel seeds (locally known as Saunf), are regularly chewed on post meals, to enhance digestion. Fennel seeds stimulate gastric secretions, enabling unhindered processing of food particles and alleviating symptoms of indigestion and constipation.

    Herbal teas are prepared with extracts from powerful plants that possess numerous medicinal properties. Being packed with potent antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, they facilitate smooth digestion and lower stomach pain due to gastric problems. Some popular herbal teas include anise, ginger, peppermint, chamomile, and lemon tea, which work wonders to remedy bloating and gas.
Peppermint oil (usually comes in the form of capsules) has been considered an effective solution to rectify disorders of the abdominal tract, such as bloating, constipation, flatulence, and gastric problem. A significant level of menthol in peppermint extracts, which relaxes the intestinal muscles and allows smooth digestion and excretion processes.

    Cloves are commonly used in Ayurveda, which is a traditional Indian medicine. Clove is usually used as spices in food to produce an aroma. Another usage of clove is in the treatment of teeth, digestion, etc. Clove oil intake is a traditional remedy for curing a host of digestive issues including bloating, gastric complaints, flatulence, constipation, and even stomach ulcers. Chewing on cloves or swallowing a teaspoon of clove powder with elaichi after meals stimulates the secretion of digestive acids, thereby preventing acidity and dispelling excessive gas from the stomach.

    Apple vinegar provides an acidic microenvironment in the gut, besides triggering the synthesis of digestive enzymes. In this manner, it improves digestion and also relieves stomach pain, bloating, and other symptoms of gastric problems. In its pure form, apple vinegar is highly acidic and can erode the enamel covering the teeth. It is hence usually suggested to mix 1 teaspoon of apple vinegar in a glass of water and consume this diluted drink, to effectively heal inflammation in the stomach and eliminate gas from the stomach.

Which food to avoid during gastric problem?
    Certain food groups, although offering vital essential nutrients including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, sometimes tend to aggravate a bloated tummy and further worsen the symptoms of gastric issues.

    Foods with a high level of sugar, which are difficult to digest, comprise beans, green leafy vegetables like cabbage, colocasia root, broccoli, and brussel sprouts. Certain food items like sweetened calorie-loaded junk foods, soft drinks, packaged fruit juices, biscuits, pears, onions, and artichokes consist of very high amounts of a sugar molecule known as fructose, which is known to trigger gastritis in the gut.
Dairy products are abound in lactose. It is hence suggested to lower the consumption of milk, milk-made sweets, butter and cheese, and other drinks containing dairy, as it results in the build-up of gas in the stomach.

    Oat, certain fruits, peas, and beans contain a significant quantity of insoluble fibers due to which the digestion process becomes complicated, and those who have digestive troubles very often should consume insoluble fibers in small quantities as part of a routine diet.

    Enriched, processed foods like pasta, corn-based produce, as well as potatoes are high on starch, posing a slowdown in digesting these dishes. Conscious efforts must be taken, lower the intake of starchy foods in the diet, to completely recover from gastric problems.

Simple tips to control Gastric issues:
    The major factor responsible for the accumulation of gas in the abdomen is swallowing air especially talking while eating. Although inevitably, a person would naturally swallow some amounts of air while breathing and talking, an excess of air being trapped in the gut can be easily avoided by not gulping down food but by eating slowly.

    Chewing on each bite of food, keeping the mouth closed while chewing reduces the amount of air ingested, and also saliva mixes well with broken down complex food particles, making digestion easier. This remarkably reduces the occurrence of gastric problems and other intestinal conditions like constipation, bloating, and diarrhoea.

    Certain specific foods i.e. peanuts, rajma, seafood, oily spicy food, some vegetables (pumpkin, colocasia root (Arabi), cabbage, etc. cause gas, flatulence, indigestion, and bloating. If anyone is suffering from gas, flatulence, indigestion, and bloating then those persons should take very light food like daliya or khichadi in one meal in a day and avoid eating heavy meals. It is hence advised to consult with a doctor, to cut out their additional diet and thereby avoid frequent episodes of gut problems.

    Wearing very tight-fitting clothes compresses the stomach and intestinal muscles, thus obstruct smooth digestion processes. Keep in mind to wear clothes that always fit comfortably, especially around the waist and hips, to ease digestion as well as to allow the release of trapped gas and acid in the stomach, in case gastric problems, acidity, and indigestion arise.

    Needless to say, drinking ample amounts of water is absolutely necessary for good health and mind. Water drinking promotes the digestion of foodstuffs and the elimination of wastes. It encourages regular bladder movement, ensuring unobstructed passage of stools and thus detoxifying the system. The insufficient liquid in the diet leads to constipation and gas with an unpleasant odour. It is ideal to consume a full glass of lukewarm water after every meal, to assist with good digestion and excretion processes.

    Although following a healthy, balanced diet is the master key to lowering the incidence of gas, flatulence, and indigestion, routine exercise immensely boosts digestive wellness. Be it in the morning, noon or night, a short, brisk walk following a meal not only facilitates the transit and absorption of food along the oesophagus, stomach, and intestines but also stimulates gastric secretions that enhance digestion and metabolism. Moreover, exercise also augments heart health and makes cardiac muscles tough and robust. In this way, blood circulation to the stomach and intestines is also increased, ensuring smooth digestion.

    Buffalo milk should not be consumed directly but it should be diluted with water to reduce gastric issues. Night meals should be light and it should be taken 1-2 hours before going to the bed so that it can be digested easily.

    If still anyone suffers from gas, flatulence, and indigestion, a person should take Triphala churna 1/3-1/2 spoon with lukewarm water before going to bed. This churn will make your digestive system smoothly within a couple of days - as I have my own experience.

    If a person has a mild or moderate gastric problem - that person can use lemonade with a pinch of rock salt and little sugar (1-2 teaspoon)... If a person is suffering from a gastric problem - that person can take lemonade consisting of lukewarm water, a pinch of rock salt, and baking soda or eating soda or bicarbonate of soda (1/3-1/2 teaspoon)…

    It is always better to consult a doctor to know more about your health and any other associated systemic disease!

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